2023 Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artists Auditions

The 2023 Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artists auditions were held on Saturday, March 11. The adjudicator was James Roe, President and Executive Director, Orchestra of St. Luke's.
The caliber of the candidates was quite impressive and for that we are grateful to all candidates, their parents, teachers and coaches.

Mr. Roe selected the following winners:

Nicholas Todorov, tuba, a student of James Gourley, attends Duqiesne University

Flute quartet, Ab-So-Flutely Amazing Quartet, all students of Dan Parasky, coached by Mr. Parasky and all attend Franklin Regional High School
Albert "AJ" Schmidt
Anna Qin
Lacey Pribanic
Nia Hanington

Eleanor Edwards, violin, a student of Rufina Yefimova, home educated

Benjamin Lin, piano, a student of Anne Lin, attends Hampton Middle School

Andrew Li, piano, a student of Luz Manriquez, attends North Allegheny Intermediate High School

Haley Hunt, soprano, a student of Lauren Corcoran Emrich, attends Lincoln Park Performing Arts Charter School

Nathan Choe, cello, a student of Adam Liu, attends PA Leadership Charter School

Soham Dam, piano, a student of Luz Manriquez, attends Mount Lebanon High School

The winners will receive scholarships and will be featured in concerts on April 2 or 16. More details will soon be available on this page and on the Home page of the PCS website.

Thanks to all those who participated in these auditions and congratulations to the winners.

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