AJ Schmidt is a sophomore at Franklin Regional High School in Murrysville, Pennsylvania, and studies with Dan Parasky (Parasky Flute Studios) and Austin Brown (Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra). AJ plays with local ensembles including the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra (2022-present) and at P.M.E.A. festivals. AJ has placed in solo competitions including the WSO YAC (first place Level 1 2023), the Central Ohio Flute Association Solo Competition first place junior division/2022, first place senior division/2024) and the Woodbridge Flute Choir Concerto Competition (winner 2024). In 2023 he won the Pittsburgh Concert Society Young Artists Competition with the PFS Ab-So-Flutely Amazing Quartet. Outside of music, AJ also studies Shotokan karate, where he has earned his Junior Black Belt. AJ plans to study flute performance in college.
Albert “AJ” Schmidt