Aleksandr Voinov


Aleksandr Voinov, who is 11 years old, is in 6th grade at Ingomar Middle School. He started playing piano when he was 5. Soon his piano teacher introduced him to music theory and composition after discovering that Aleksandr having perfect pitch not only can play well, but can make music, as well! For his performance in solo and theory events of the National Federation of Music Clubs in the past six years Aleksandr holds 3 Golden Cups. Two years ago, Aleksandr’s catchy ragtime composition, Master Rag, won the 1st place in Pennsylvania and the Northwest Region, and the 2nd place in the National Junior Composers Contest. In 2007 Aleksandr joined the City Music Center where he studies piano, violin, music theory, composition, and jazz. In 2008 he won the Duquesne Young Artist Competition for his piano performance. The same year he earned an honorable mention among the finalists at the 23rd International Young Artist Piano Competition in Washington, D.C. Aleksandr likes improvising and composing music in different styles on violin, piano and keyboard, as well as writing songs. Besides music, he enjoys playing computer games, chess, reading and making comic books, dancing hip-hop, swimming, playing tennis and other sports.

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