A recently formed duo, Ricky Smith and Ji-young Sin, enjoy playing challenging repertoire written for clarinet and piano. They were brought together by pianist Sung-Im Kim in January 2017 as a part of the Chamber Music Program at Carnegie Mellon University.
Clarinetist Ricky Smith was a winner of the 2017 Silberman Chamber Music Competition at Carnegie Mellon University and was a member of the AIMS Festival Orchestra in Graz, Austria in the summer of 2016. Ricky is a student of Michael Rusinek.
Pianist Ji-young Sin has won several top prizes in Korea and Russia including the Serebryakov International Piano Competition and the Seoul National Symphony Orchestra Competition. Ji-young is a student of Sergey Schepkin.
Ricky and Ji-young both received their Master of Music degrees in May 2017 from Carnegie Mellon University and are currently continuing their studies in the Advanced Music Studies Program at CMU.