Inspired by Yo-Yo Ma’s cello performance on an episode of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, Joseph Comella, 16 years old, began to study the violin at the age of two. He took his first lessons at the Westmoreland Suzuki School of Music. When he was five, he continued his instruction with Ellen-Maria Willis. Joseph began playing with youth symphonies at the age of seven and became concertmaster of the Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestra Symphonette at ten. In 2011, he joined the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony, where he played for the next four years. Currently Joseph is a member of the Amadeus Quartet. Joseph won the Duquesne Young Artist Competition four times in ascending age categories. In 2013, he won the Pittsburgh Philharmonic’s Concerto Competition, affording him the opportunity to perform the Saint-Saens Concerto with them twice. Also in 2013, Comella became one of WQED’s Musical Kids winners. In the fall of 2013, Joseph competed in his first international competition, the 5th Moscow International David Oistrakh Violin Competition. Over the summers, he attended music festivals at Bowdoin, Killington, and for the last two summers the Cambridge International String Academy in England. When Joseph is not practicing he enjoys playing video games and fencing. Sixteen years old, he currently studies with Cyrus Forough, a Carnegie Mellon University professor who himself studied under David Oistrakh and Josef Gingold. Joseph attends eleventh grade at The Pennsylvania Leadership Charter School. After graduation he hopes to continue his musical studies and pursue a career in violin performance.
Joseph Comella