Ju Young Lee


Pianist Ju Young Lee, born in South Korea, has won many awards, including two medals at the Fourth US Youth Competition of Hymn—the gold medal in the solo category, and the bronze medal in the four-hands category. She also won the Music Teachers National Association Piano Competition in 2009 and was a winner in the Young Artist Competition of West Viriginia University in spring 2011. She was the pianist in Global Mission Church Youth Orchestra and performed in Mexico, Italy and South Korea. She was recipient of the Valerie Canady Scholarship awarded by the Valerie Canady Foundation and of the Presser Scholarship awarded by West Virginia University Division of Music.

Ju Young received a bachelor's degree in music from West Virginia University where she studied piano with Dr. James Miltenberger. She was named a Pittsburgh Concert Society Major Auditions Winner and selected to perform in the 2011–2012 season.

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