The Yosen-Futen Piano Duo consists of two teenage brothers who reside in the North Hills. Yosen Wang, 17, attends North Allegheny Senior High School and Futen Wang, 15, attends North Allegheny Intermediate High School. The duo started their piano studies at age 6 at Carnegie Mellon University Music Preparatory School with Ms. Sung-Im Kim. The brothers were the winners of the Cincinnati World Piano Competition and performed at Carnegie Hall Weill Recital Hall when they were each 8 years old. As pupils of Dr. Marina Lupinacci since 2013, the Wang brothers enjoyed ensemble performance through piano duets. Since duets involve a crossing of the hands between partners, the siblings benefitted from their natural coordination as brothers. Participation in their individual string quartets also helped them develop as a team.
Yosen and Futen won first prize in the Pittsburgh Piano Teacher Association Duet Competition, Junior Division, in April 2015. They are also members of the Steinway Society of Western Pennsylvania and have been selected to present their duet work in Heinz Hall in 2016 and 2017. To share their talent with their community, the brothers have performed recitals in local churches and entertained in the lobby of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Passavant.
In addition, both Yosen and Futen are currently violists of the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra where Yosen has been the assistant principal viola since the 2016 spring concert. He has also been principal violist of Pennsylvania Music Educators Association All-State Orchestra. Yosen also earned his Master certificate of Tae-Kwon Do fourth-degree black belt and serves as a junior instructor at his martial arts school. Futen was the principal viola of the Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestra in 2015-16. He is passionate about mechanical engineering and was the first-place winner at the Pittsburgh Regional Engineering and Science Fair. Futen also enjoys carpentry and would like to own his own violin luthier shop someday.