PCS 2019 Major Audition

PCS 2019 Major Audition

The PCS 2019 Major auditions were held on April 12 and 13. The adjudicator was Alan Fletcher, Aspen Music Festival and School president and CEO. Mr. Fletcher selected the following winners who will be featured in concert in fall: Agatha Holland, soprano Toshitaka...
PCS 2019 Major Audition

PCS 2019 Young Artists Auditions

The PCS 2019 Young Artists auditions were held on March 9. The adjudicator was Alan Fletcher, Aspen Music Festival and School President and CEO. Mr. Fletcher selected the following winners: Nathan Magley, clarinet. He is a student of Thomas Thompson and attends...
PCS 2019 Major Audition

The Besozzi Trio at the Johnstown Music Series

Every year, the Johnstwon Music Series selects a winner of the Pittsburgh Concert Society's Major auditions to perform at one of their concerts. This year, the Besozzi trio, XiangJi and Daniel Muller, saxophone and Hyun Joo Park, piano, were selected to perform on...
PCS 2019 Major Audition

PCS Young Artists Winners in the News

http://www.post-gazette.com/ae/music/2018/06/05/Colin-Aikens-Hannah-Ishizaki-Pittsburgh-Juilliard-Curtis-composition-opera-singer/stories/201806010123 Colin Aikins was a PCS Young Artist winner in 2016 and Hannah Ishizaki was a 2016 Young Artist winner as a violinist...
PCS 2019 Major Audition

PCS 2018-2019 Schedule

Sep 23, 2018: Major Artists Emily Hopkins, soprano with Mark Carver, piano James Burns and Anoush Tchakarian, piano duo Oct 21, 2018: Major Artists John Rose, piano Katherine Bell, soprano with Raymond Blackwell, piano Nov 4, 2018: Major Artists Daniel Muller, Xiang...
PCS 2019 Major Audition

2018 Major Auditions

The PCS 2018 Major auditions were held Friday and Saturday, April 20 and 21, 2018. The adjudicator was Harvey Felder, Director of Orchestral Studies, University of Connecticut. Mr. Felder selected the following winners: Katherine Bell, soprano James Burns and Anoush...
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